Do you have red or pink thickened dry skin in your body? If so, this may be a sign of psoriasis. But how do you know that you have psoriasis for sure? What do they look like? Generally, psoriasis looks like red or pink skin which is thickened, raised or bulging and dry. They can be found in different areas of the body. Some of the common parts affected in our body are the knees, elbows and scalp. However, they may also affect other parts of the body like the back, arms and even genital areas.

They may also appear in different sizes and texture. Some may look like flattened bumps while others are thick plaques of raised skin. They can also be red or pink patches which are dry and flake off. Scalp psoriasis on the other hand may look like severe dandruff. They may also appear red and may be raised with dry flakes. However, psoriasis on the scalp may be difficult to distinguish as they look like dandruff. The treatment for this condition may also be the same as treating dandruff. So if you think you have this condition, have it checked by your physician for early medication and treatment.

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    June 2012

